Current Psychotherapies

Psychopharmacological Treatment & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Current popular therapies that help provide individuals relief from symptoms are psychopharmacological and cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT). Psychopharmacological treatment helps to normalize neural activity at certain synapses in discrete areas of the brain and CNS to reduce symptomology. CBT supports adaptation by helping one to identify triggers and to regulate and desensitize one’s responses to them. (Read more)


Hypnotherapy: What is it and how does it work?

Hypnotherapy produces an altered state of consciousness that places an individual in a state of inner absorption. This reduces an individual’s focus of attention to only a few inner realities…. Current hypnotherapy methods help individuals to resolve and relieve the unpleasant experience of maladaptive and painful symptoms. (Read more)


Redecision / Empty Chair Therapy

Redecision therapy was developed by a social worker, Mary McClure Goulding, psychiatrist husband, Robert Goulding, in the 1970s. It is an integration of Eric Berne’s transactional analysis and Fritz Perl’s gestalt therapy. Transactional analysis views early emotional learning & childhood decisions & within the context of a child’s response to parental subtle, nonverbal messages. (Read more)


EMDR : Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing

Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a method that was developed by Francine Shapiro in the early 1990s. EMDR is a short term psychodynamic psychotherapy method that focuses on helping the patient/client to access and process previously forgotten painful traumatic memory. Because this method incorporates the processing of trauma, its effect is quite effective. (Read more)


Recognition Based Self-Schema Therapy, Author’s Method

I have developed therapy tools that are based on concepts drawn from both EMDR and redecision therapy. These therapy tools are lists of emotionally laden verbalizations and thoughts of self in interaction that provide reminders to help patients to elaborate on memories and emotionally laden cognitive representations relating to a specific memory. These thoughts are holistic assessments of self in interaction / self-schemas, that in any combination ,can describe the nature of any individual’s relationship in interaction and the state of attachment or breach in any social motivation need as well. (Read more)
